Ustick Townsite Beautification Project   Download PDF of Concept Design

Posted December 06, 2024

Ustick In Bloom 2024Ustick In Bloom '24

West Valley Neighborhood Association’s signature event is our annual Ustick In Bloom neighborhood celebration. Ustick In Bloom is a gathering of neighbors to celebrate our West Boise community with live music, food trucks, community resource vendors, crafts vendors, raffle prizes, children’s activities and our partnership with Lost Grove Brewing.

Beginning in 2018 the Board of Directors of the WVNA partnered with Boise City Energize Our Neighborhoods to bring this special community celebration to Redwood Park. Every year Ustick In Bloom attracts more West Boise residents who look forward to celebrating our historic Ustick Townsite and our awesome West Boise community.

Check out the photos from another great Ustick In Bloom event enjoyed by over 400 West Boise neighbors! Please visit our West Valley Neighborhood Association website for further information and more photos of Ustick In Bloom.

Save the date for Ustick In Bloom 2025…Saturday, June 7, 2025. Looking forward to seeing our West Boise neighbors at Ustick In Bloom 2025!

Ustick Road Poster by Ward P Hooper

Our vision for the Ustick Townsite Beautification Project is to awaken the collective memory of the historic agricultural community in West Boise - Ustick Village. At its prime, Ustick was a bustling agricultural town surrounded by orchards and energized by a small farming community. The townsite was complete with a bank, a creamery, a school, and its own Mercantile, where produce was weighed and shipped via the local railway system “The Interurban” to destinations east and west. These buildings have withstood the test of time and still stand in the townsite and continue to be utilized as business ventures.

Urban sprawl has nearly decimated the character and historical significance of the Ustick Townsite. Ustick Road, a two-lane road once shaded by a canopy of poplar trees served as the trolley line for the Boise Valley Railway which ran from Caldwell to Boise. The beautiful canopy of trees is gone and what was once a tree-lined Ustick Road is now a five lane highway to Meridian.

Our vision includes a re-birth of this once thriving community by working with Boise City and community partners to re-create a pedestrian friendly neighborhood in which West Boise residents can once again connect and commune. Our vision includes trees, landscaping, historical street lamps, sculpture and artwork that will soften the area to make it a pleasant place to walk and bicycle. We also envision a welcoming place with shops that are within easy walking distance and historical interpretative signage to educate the public about the townsite of Ustick. Future development of walking paths and inclusion in the West Boise comprehensive plan could include routes along the irrigation ditches leading to Comba Park.

Traveling Trolley Time Capsule
Boise Police Department
Greg Bridges & Josh Frost
Birdman of Boise
West of Ustick
West of Ustick
Archie and Nora Pelton, Ustick Merc ~ Courtesy of Micheal Meade and Boise City Dept. of Arts & History, Micheal Meade Collection
Archie and Nora Pelton, Ustick Merc

Ustick Mercantile, A. H. Pelton, Prop. ~ Courtesy of Micheal Meade
Ustick Mercantile, A. H. Pelton, Prop.

Ustick Grade School Students 1936-37, Grades 1, 2 & 3 ~ Courtesy of Barbara (Leighton) Fulcher
Ustick Grade School Students 1936-37

Ustick Grade School Students 1943-44, Grades 7 & 8 ~ Courtesy of Barbara (Leighton) Fulcher
Ustick Grade School Students 1943-44

Smitchger farm and orchard on Ustick near Eagle Rd ~ Courtesy of Virgil Smitchger
Smitchger farm and orchard on Ustick near Eagle Rd

Smitchger farm dispensed eggs from an egg vending machine ~ Courtesy of Virgil Smitchger
Smitchger farm dispensed eggs through this egg vending machine

Farmhouse on Ustick near Eagle Rd ~ Courtesy of Virgil Smitchger
Farmhouse on Ustick near Eagle Rd

Farmhouse on Ustick near Eagle Rd ~ Courtesy of Virgil Smitchger
Farmhouse on Ustick near Eagle Rd

Ustick Guys ~ Courtesy of Virgil Smitchger
Ustick Guys

Sprayer Wagon ~ Courtesy of Virgil Smitchger
Sprayer Wagon

Ustick Guys and Gals ~ Courtesy of June Fitzgerald
Ustick Guys and Gals

Ustick Ladies 1912 ~ Courtesy of June Fitzgerald
Ustick Ladies

Driving down Ustick's Main Street ~ Courtesy of June Fitzgerald
Driving down Ustick's main street

Ustick Wagon Ride ~ Courtesy of June Fitzgerald
Ustick Wagon Ride

Ustick High Basket Ball Team ~ Courtesy of June Fitzgerald
Ustick High School Basket Ball Team

Church or School Group 1915 ~ Courtesy of June Fitzgerald
Church or School Group

Ustick High School Students c. 1915 ~ Courtesy of June Fitzgerald
Ustick High School Students

Ustick Merchantile c. 1918 ~ Courtesy of June Fitzgerald
Ustick Merchantile

Woman in front of Merchantile ~ Courtesy of June Fitzgerald
Woman in front of Ustick Merc

Group in front of home on Mumbarto Street ~ Courtesy of June Fitzgerald
Group in front of home on Mumbarto Street

Ustick Bank used as a warehouse ~ Cole Libary Glass Window
Ustick Bank used as a warehouse

Apple Orchard ~ Cole Libary Glass Window
Apple Orchard

Parks Estates Home Owners Association | West Valley Neighborhood Association | Boise City Planning and Zoning | Boise City Arts and History | University of Idaho School of Landscape Design | Boise City Energize Our Neighborhoods

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